Mini Long Box $175.00 (includes tax & shipping)
I Designed this call back in 2017 with the idea of designing a call that has the range of sounds like a longbox but is a bit higher pitched and snappier in a more compact design. What I came up with is my mini longbox. I reworked the internal and external dimensions of this call and love the sounds I’m getting from it. This call is a bit higher pitched than my regular Longbox but has a ton of turkey in it and is extremely easy to run. It has a wide range of turkey sound much like my longbox but with its compact size, its much more convenient to carry in the woods. The front end of this call will Kee Kee like nothing else and the yelp breaks off to a nasally, raspy back end. Shortening the stroke will produce lower pitched jake and gobbler yelps as well. Wood combinations are limited so if you have any questions or are interested in a particular wood, please don't hesitate to contact me.